Week Thirty-Three

As artists, we’re constantly looking for inspiration and admiring the work that other people have made. This week I just wanted to send you a reminder to admire YOURSELF!

Wherever you are in you art journey, I know there have been times where you have impressed yourself with something you’ve made. Let that feeling free and sing it loud. You are NOT “full of yourself” for doing this. It’s ok to be unapologetically proud of what you have done!

What to Do

  • Go back and look at some of your favorite drawings you have made. Love on them for a bit. Take a minute to say to yourself, “I DID THAT.”
    Share one or more of those favorite pieces that you’ve made this year on social media. Write about how proud you are of yourself and how this work makes you feel. DO NOT shrink yourself down and preface by saying “I know I’ve still got a long way to go but…”. Would you comment on someone else’s work and say that? Give yourself the same treatment you’d give to other people you admire. You deserve it!

August Prompts


Let’s go downtown! This week we’re drawing various buildings you might find around town. Look up pictures of small town buildings to give you inspiration. 

Focus on drawing the OUTSIDE of the building. What little details might be found? Think about architectural details: awnings, windows, decorative trim, signs, etc. What is happening in the windows? Something for sale, a person peeping out, curtains, lights. How about outside the building? Cafe chairs? Potted plants? A bicycle? People shopping, or eating, or playing? You can even add elements from the surrounding area like trees, lampposts, a sidewalk, a bench, and more. Have fun imagining your own little world and what might be happening there! 

Perhaps you can put all of your drawings together at the end of the week and you’ll have a whole street of buildings! 

Week 33 | Aug 12-18


Mon: cafe/coffee shop
Tue: greengrocer
Wed: pet shop
Thu: fire station
Fri: art supply store
Sat: ice cream shop
Sun: museum

You can access each week’s prompts at makingarteveryday.com

Week 3X progress Tracker

Track your Making Art Everyday progress! See at-a-glance all you’ve accomplished, and reflect on the work you’ve done at the end of the week. Visit bardotbrush.com/progress to download the monthly tracker and weekly reflection sheet. There are also instructions about how to use them.

Procreate Community: Learn // Draw // Share

We’ve got a Facebook Group full of amazingly supportive artists, from all skill levels.