Week 3 | Jan 13-19
Food + Packaging
Mon: milk carton
Tue: ketchup bottle
Wed: cereal box
Thu: soup can
Fri: candy bar
Sat: peanut butter jar
Sun: jelly jar
I hear a lot of chatter in the community about how some of you are struggling to “keep up” with prompts. This challenge isn’t about never missing a single day/prompt. I promise you, it’s gonna happen. It’s more important that you keep coming back, even if it’s been days, weeks, or even months. Don’t let your misses define your progress. The days you show up are FAR more important than the days you miss.
I’ve talked about this since week one, but as we take on our first “plus” this week (yay!), it’s critical to plan for tomorrow’s prompt. This will also help you in showing up everyday. The point isn’t to add more work to your day, but distributing the work differently: across two days. Today, after you finish drawing Sunday’s prompt, take a look on Monday’s prompt. Take about 5 minutes to sketch out an initial idea, and then put your iPad/sketchbook away. You don’t have to commit to this first idea, but I promise this exercise will help you as you start out the next day. You’ll have the benefits of not having to start from scratch, as well as letting the idea ruminate in your head all day.
I’ve talked about this since week one, but as we take on our first “plus” this week (yay!), it’s critical to plan for tomorrow’s prompt. This will also help you in showing up everyday. The point isn’t to add more work to your day, but distributing the work differently: across two days. Today, after you finish drawing Sunday’s prompt, take a look on Monday’s prompt. Take about 5 minutes to sketch out an initial idea, and then put your iPad/sketchbook away. You don’t have to commit to this first idea, but I promise this exercise will help you as you start out the next day. You’ll have the benefits of not having to start from scratch, as well as letting the idea ruminate in your head all day.
It’s our first “plus” of the year! I’m SO excited to bring this new element (and challenge!) to MAE. Some of the “pluses” I have in store for you this year include different art styles, perspectives, lighting, characters, restrictions and limits, art principles, and so much more!
Remember, the “plus” is optional, but a great way to push yourself creatively. You can choose to simply draw the “thing” or find a way to incorporate the “plus!”
As I mentioned before, this month, we are easing into things. For Week 3, we are drawing Food + Packaging! Sounds pretty straightforward, but there is actually quite a bit that goes into packaging. You might be drawing the actual food, plus incorporating lettering, a color palette, and layout design. You can choose to draw a package that exists in real life, or make up your own including, a brand name, product name, etc. It’s up to you!
Mon: milk carton
Tue: ketchup bottle
Wed: cereal box
Thu: soup can
Fri: candy bar
Sat: peanut butter jar
Sun: jelly jar
You can access each week’s prompts at makingarteveryday.com
We’ve got a Facebook group just for participants of Making Art Everyday and all things Bardot Brush! Come join our group of supportive artists of all skill levels, share your work, ask questions, and be a part of the community!
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Bardot Brush was created by California-based illustration artist, teacher, and all-around creative person, Lisa Bardot.
©2022 Bardot Brush by Lisa Bardot // All Rights Reserved