Week 50 | Dec 6-12
time-traveling llamas
Mon: Last Day of Hannukkah
Tue: National Letter Writing Day
Wed: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
Thu: National Llama Day
Fri: National Lager Day
Sat: International Mountain Day
Sun: Gingerbread House Day
While hiking a mountain, I encountered a llama who claimed to be from the future. He passed me a hand-written letter with explicit details about building a life-sized gingerbread house that would somehow save the world. Naturally, I was skeptical, but who am I to argue with a talking llama? So we shared a couple of lagers and got to work.
No, this isn’t some crazy fever dream; it’s a silly story inspired by this week’s Making Art Everyday prompts! (more on that below…) Never forget that creativity can come from anywhere. Some of the most fascinating works of creativity are born from random mashups of unrelated things. So don’t be afraid to follow your weird ideas and see where they lead you!
December is the height of the holiday season, and I’d be remiss not to include the usual suspects in this month’s MAE prompts. But why stop there?
Each prompt this month is a real holiday that occurs on that day in December. I won’t lie, these prompts were SO FUN to put together. I hope you enjoy them too!
Week 50: Time-Traveling Llamas
This month’s prompts are very much open to interpretation, so have fun and let them inspire you! For example, on Wednesday, you could draw a clock, an hourglass, or even your favorite pop-culture time machine, be it hot tub, Delorean, police box, or phone booth.
Mon: Last Day of Hannukkah
Tue: National Letter Writing Day
Wed: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
Thu: National Llama Day
Fri: National Lager Day
Sat: International Mountain Day
Sun: Gingerbread House Day
You can access each week’s prompts, with links to reference photos, at makingarteveryday.com
The best place to catch the live stream is on the Bardot Brush YouTube Channel. Don’t forget: You can watch or re-watch the previous livestreams on my tutorials page on Bardot Brush!
Monday is the last day of Hanukkah! You might consider drawing a menorah, and if you need a little help with the candles, I’ve got you covered. We’ll be using Procreate features such as blend modes, Gaussian blur, alpha lock and clipping masks, and more. I’ll even show you a quick and easy way to add an interesting background that also adds an element of depth.
Thursday is National Llama day! Learn how to draw this fluffy llama in my class on Skillshare about how to draw fur! Get my FREE Fur & Fluff brush set before you begin. I’ll show you how using specialized brushes can speed up the process of drawing fur immensely.
New to Skillshare? Get two weeks FREE of Skillshare Premium when you take my class.
Sunday is Gingerbread House day! Ok, ok, this is not a gingerbread house tutorial, but if you look closely at my sample art above, I tricked out this cozy cabin to create something sweet instead!
I’m running a Bardot Brush sale to get you ready for all the amazing creativeness you are going to accomplish. Nothing inspires an artist like new supplies.
(its a .Procreate file, so you can keep track of your progress right in Procreate!)
You’ll find instructions about how to use the Tracker at the link above. I even made you a star stamp brush for you to use! It’s my Procreate version of a gold star sticker.
We’ve got a Facebook group just for participants of Making Art Everyday and all things Bardot Brush! Come join our group of supportive artists of all skill levels, share your work, ask questions, and be a part of the community!
I’m the owner of Bardot Brush, one of the leading brush makers for Procreate. If you’d like to support me, please check out my premium brush sets that inspire creativity at bardotbrush.com.
We’ll stock your inbox with Procreate tips, new releases, and free goodies!
Bardot Brush was created by California-based illustration artist, teacher, and all-around creative person, Lisa Bardot.
©2022 Bardot Brush by Lisa Bardot // All Rights Reserved