Week Forty-Three

“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”

Happy Sunday all! It’s been a looooong week for me and I’m feeling pretty tapped out creatively. So I’m giving myself a pass this week and not forcing myself to write when I don’t have the energy. STILL, I can’t help but leave you with a lesson: respect your needs and give yourself a pass when you really need it.  If you’ve reached your limits, its 100% ok to give yourself rest when you need it, even if it means not keeping up with your creative habit. Just remember to come back to it when you’re feeling more rested.

October Prompts

Myths & Magic

Moving from fairytales to monsters this week! Use your imagination to draw these scary creatures. What if they weren’t scary at all, but rather cute and cuddly? What if you drew them in a completely different way than you’re used to seeing them? Different colors, styles, or settings, its all up to you!

Week 43 | Oct 21-27


Mon: man-eating plant
Tue: Loch Ness monster
Wed: yeti
Thu: mummy
Fri: swamp monster
Sat: werewolf
Sun: alien

You can access each week’s prompts at makingarteveryday.com

Week 43 progress Tracker

Track your Making Art Everyday progress! See at-a-glance all you’ve accomplished, and reflect on the work you’ve done at the end of the week. Visit bardotbrush.com/progress to download the monthly tracker and weekly reflection sheet. There are also instructions about how to use them.

Procreate Community: Learn // Draw // Share

We’ve got a Facebook Group full of amazingly supportive artists, from all skill levels.