Week 34 | Aug 19-25
Buildings with Jobs
Mon: lighthouse
Tue: observatory
Wed: windmill
Thu: waterwheel house
Fri: barn
Sat: factory
Sun: your current or former workplace
So today I just wanted to say (in case you are like me and you really need to hear it) that it is 100% OK to spend your time on something you love with absolutely no productivity or financial goal in mind. The joy you receive from doing it is worth the time spent. It all boils down to valuing yourself, and providing yourself with the self-care of doing joyful things. I hope you have been finding joy in making art daily!
Some buildings are more functional than others. Some buildings have jobs of their own! These buildings might have built-in mechanics, or serve a very specific purpose. This means they usually have a very unique shape or iconic form. Let’s get to work!
Mon: lighthouse
Tue: observatory
Wed: windmill
Thu: waterwheel house
Fri: barn
Sat: factory
Sun: your current or former workplace
You can access each week’s prompts at makingarteveryday.com
Track your Making Art Everyday progress! See at-a-glance all you’ve accomplished, and reflect on the work you’ve done at the end of the week. Visit bardotbrush.com/progress to download the monthly tracker and weekly reflection sheet. There are also instructions about how to use them.
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Bardot Brush was created by California-based illustration artist, teacher, and all-around creative person, Lisa Bardot.
©2022 Bardot Brush by Lisa Bardot // All Rights Reserved