Week Eleven
I could use a little feedback.
Every time I sit down to write the weekly email, I feel like the overarching message is “be kind to yourself”. This is a difficult thing and requires a lot of dedication. Is it fun? Yes! Is it a constant challenge? Definitely. But what I’ve started to realize is that I’m the one that needs these messages.
Building this community is hard work and this year has been filled with so many things I’m doing for the first time. And the digital nature of the work I’m doing doesn’t provide too much personal connection with the people it reaches. Thank you for joining me in this journey. If my life’s work was forever dedicated to helping others find and foster their creativity, I’d be a happy lady. So all I really mean is this… I would love to hear from you.
What to Do
- This may be a little selfish, but I would love a message from you. How is your art journey going? How do you feel? What are your struggles? What would help? How can I improve? Critical feedback is definitely appreciated! Feel free to email me back, DM me on Insta, or say hi in the Facebook group. THANK YOU.
- Take it a step further and reach out to someone else for feedback about yourself. This can be about your art or something else in your life. It’s hard to be vulnerable and ask for feedback, but it will only help us grow.
February Prompts
I’m a little obsessed with house plant illustrations. I like real house plants and all, and I’ve even managed to keep a few in my house alive, but the kind you draw will NEVER die, so that’s a huge plus. There is a ton of great inspiration for this one, just search Pinterest for “house plant illustration” and you won’t be disappointed. You can stylize all the cool leaf shapes and patterns, you can go crazy designing cute pots to put them in, you can draw them on a shelf or in a window — there are so many possibilities.
Week 11 | March 11-17
House Plants
Mon: snake plant
Tue: pothos
Wed: fiddle leaf fig
Thu: zz plant
Fri: rattlesnake plant
Sat: chinese money plant
Sun: philodendron
If you’re feeling like an overachiever this week, here’s a list of other plants I think would be fun to draw: aloe, air plant, umbrella plant, polka dot plant, succulent, lady palm, prayer plant, birds nest fern, dragon tree, string of pearls, and oxalis triangularis.
You can access each week’s prompts, with quick links to reference photos at makingarteveryday.com
Categories: Making Art Everyday