Procreate for Beginners Tutorial
The Ultimate Introduction to Procreate
This FREE Procreate class has everything you need to know about how to use Procreate. In this comprehensive class, I’ll cover everything that new users need to know: brushes and other essential tools, gestures, layers, masks, working with color, even Procreate animation, the best file formats for sharing your artwork, and organizing your files. This Procreate tutorial is perfect for people that have no experience with Procreate, but even skilled users will pick up some useful Procreate tips and tricks.
What you'll make in class
Tutorials Referenced in this Class
Celebrate our birthday with a HUGE SALE and fun camp-themed activities! Art Maker’s Club is your supportive space to learn Procreate. Join now at our lowest prices on membership since opening our virtual doors – only $10/month with the Annual Plan!
I wrote a book!
I wrote a book!
Drawing Digital: The Complete Guide to Learning to Draw and Paint on Your iPad
Art Maker’s Club, our joy-filled creative community and learning hub for Procreate users, is turning ONE! To celebrate our birthday, we’re having a HUGE SALE – join now to get the best deal on membership since day one!
Categories: Procreate Tutorial
Tags: Built-In Procreate Brushes
So well made, thanks! I learned a few useful things and will refer anyone starting out to check this out.
Here’s to a Happy New Year, you’ve made this last one much more tolerable!
Again Lisa, you are a really good teacher! Simple and easy to follow. Learning much from you.
Loved this video! I have always used photoshop for drawing but was considering switching to Procreate. This video has me 100% sold! So much faster and more intuitively built for artists than photoshop. Can’t wait to get it now!
I just watched my 1st tutorial on Procreate for beginners. I got so excited when you reviewed animation! I can’t wait to make more animations. Thanks!!!
Brand new artist. No experience at all. I am working through your tutorials! Bought the brushes to support your efforts. Thanks for making this doable
So happy to find these tutorials, looking forward to learning a lot using procreate
Just got an iPad Air for my birthday and immediately purchased Procreate. Had no idea how to use it, however I stumbled across your tutorials and I have to tell you that you are the absolute best instructor for Procreate. I’m so glad that I found you before spending anymore time watching other instructors. You explain in clear terms the various things that can be done with the program. Thank you so much.
I love your videos! Thank you so much!
Hi there,
I found what you share are very useful and interesting.
I would like to purchase some of your products but cannot login since I have not had an account but I found no way to register one.
Happy to help. You create the account on checkout. Just add some brushes free or paid to your cart!
Bardot Brush!
Thought your videos were just for kids because of the artwork you use, but I thought wrong! Learned so much from you. Thank you for the excellent videos.
Hiya, just got my first iPad Pro and pencil a few hours ago. Bought Procreate. Searched and found your tutorial for beginners. Just finished it including practicing. Thank you so much for teaching the basics! It was really clearly explained and I loved the happy colors too 😀 Will checkout your other tutorials as well in the coming week(s)! Thanks again!
Thank you and Happy Art Making!
This is a GREAT video!! I use this with my after school ART CLUB! The various segments are easy to grasp and the students learn a lot!!
I love watching these tutorials and using the brushes. People ask me all the time how I am so good at drawing on procreate and I show them your tutorials and they are blown away! Love love love this!!!
I am so excited to have found this site! I am very new to digital art, and all the information here is exactly what I was hoping to learn and do. Thank you,
I am new to procreate and I was lucky to find your videos. You did an amazing job! Those videos are well done. Thank you very much for sharing them. I have a lot to learn so I am watching them step by step, sometimes it is frustrating when I do the Z movement with my three fingers and it doesn’t erase. I just have to be patient and do it over and over. Thank you again.
Hope you are having fun learning!
The BEST intro to Procreate that I have seen and I have watched a lot of them. Easy to follow and comprehensive. I go back to your video for specific items. The perfect foundation piece for Procreate beginners.