©2022 Bardot Brush by Lisa Bardot // All Rights Reserved
Having the ability to creating meaningful artwork on an iPad has become important in my life for so many reasons. It has led me to my mission of inspiring others to establish a daily art-making practice.
I started using Procreate in 2013 just after the birth of my first child. Procreate became a way for me to easily draw and make art in-between feedings and naps. Drawing on the iPad was my gateway drug to illustration.
This portrait of my new little family is one of my early Procreate illustrations.
After my son was born, I started to lose myself creatively, becoming overwhelmed with parenthood, marriage, and my photography business. When I realized it had been a very long time since I was making art just for me, I decided to make some changes.
In 2016, I challenged myself to draw or paint something every day for the entire year. I’d recently become the proud owner of a 12” iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Having the a digital plethora of tools, mediums and colors at the ready, meant I could pick up and put down my art making whenever I needed to. I spent most evenings after putting my son to bed drawing on the couch in front of the TV.
I set this goal with the hopes of increasing my skills and defining my personal style, but I ended up leaning the power of self-expression instead. I became pregnant with my daughter a few months into that year. With that came a lot of emotion, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. The art I did that year gave me the ability to express some of what I was going through and really shaped who I’ve become.
Below is a very personal talk I gave for Creative Mornings earlier this year. I spoke on being brave, my journey as an artist, and I even sing a song about courage I wrote myself. (eek!) Creativity takes courage!
I was born to create. It fills me up and fuels my fire. But even more than that, I love helping others be creative. Which is why I’m so passionate about these tools and learning about the artists who use them. Be sure to say hello — I’d love to see what you create!
We’ll stock your inbox with Procreate tips, new releases, and free goodies!
Bardot Brush was created by California-based illustration artist, teacher, and all-around creative person, Lisa Bardot.
©2022 Bardot Brush by Lisa Bardot // All Rights Reserved